
Online SEPA Credit Transfer QR-code generator

API usage:   https://epc-qr.eu?[parameters]

Parameters (bold is the default if unspecified):
type : defines the output type
ver : defines version of SCT
char : defines the character set
values 1 till 8, that is:
1: UTF-8 , 2: ISO 8859-1 , 3: ISO 8859-2 , 4: ISO 8859-4
5: ISO 8859-5 , 6: ISO 8859-7 , 7: ISO 8859-10 , 8: ISO 8859-15
For example: &char=4
bic : Business Identifier Code of the Beneficiary Bank
iban : International Bank Account Number of the Beneficiary (mandatory)
bname : Name of the Beneficiary (mandatory)
euro : Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro (mandatory)
pp : Purpose of the Credit Transfer
ref : Reference of the Creditor (must be ISO 11649)
acc : Bare Reference of the Creditor
bba : Belgian Banks coded Reference of the Creditor
info : Remittance Information (free text)
orig : Beneficiary to originator information
key : Registration key for unlimited generations per day
cut : Cut away text around the QR code
logo : Change the small logo in the QR code
pixel : Number of pixels per block/bit
for : Use named shortcut
sep : Force displayed decimal seperator in the amount
colour : Use different text colour
zero : Zero (impossible) amount behaviour
minus : Negative (impossible) amount behaviour
cache : Commercial usage cache behaviour
help : Gives this page
Spaces are allowed in all parameter values.

NEW: If you have problems with your own program to use the API, you can get debug information using https://epc-qr.eu/debug/?[parameters]

General word of advice: keep the information as less as possible; the shorter the text, the better the QR-code is read by the user.
Like the BIC: not necessary with version 2 and within the SEPA area, but if filled in, it increases the number of block/bits for nothing.

Create examples yourself with the interactive form

MS Word VBA picture update example

Last change : 2024 November 13
