
Online SEPA Credit Transfer
QR-code generator

Change history:

Invoice bill-to information added : 11 july 2024
Black/white layout options in the form : 1 july 2024
Cache storage option added : 1 June 2024
Cache storage time changed in Term and Conditions : 25 May 2024
Blocking non SEPA countries : 14 April 2024
Security optimized : 26 March 2024
Powershell script added for credit monitor : 17 november 2023
decimal seperator option added : 15 October 2023
add zero and negative amount pictures : 8 October 2023
change Providers : 24 September 2023
Term and Conditions formalized : 31 August 2023
HA cluster stopped : 4 July 2023
interactive registration created : 27 June 2023
credit monitor api for commercial use : 8 June 2023
cache for speed and saving credits : 10 March 2023
follow-up v3.0 of EPC069-12 (13 sep 22) : 04 November 2022
thousands seperator allowed and shown: 19 October 2022
surrounding text colour : 21 August 2022
high availability cluster : 30 June 2022
shortcut service added : 23 May 2022
commercial usage possible : 1 April 2022
small text alignment improvements : 19 March 2022
API debug page added : 18 March 2022
expanded the help text : 16 March 2022
resize text cut bug solved : 24 Jan 2022
belgian ref added : 12 Jan 2022
no logo on request : 27 Sep 2021
size requested : 26 Feb 2021
mobile form simplified : 22 May 2020
daily logging erasure : 10 December 2019
auto abuse protection : 6 November 2019
home click on header: 18 September 2019
form (IE/Edge problem): 30 June 2019
form improvements: 21 October 2018
legal statement: 19 October 2018
form improved: 18 October 2018
form working: 16 October 2018
form start: 14 October 2018
api working: 10 October 2018
api start: 7 October 2018
syntax defined: 6 October 2018
startup: 24 September 2018

click on the header logo for the start page

Last change : 2024 July 11