
Online SEPA Credit Transfer
QR-code generator
API usage:[parameters]

Parameters (bold is the default if unspecified):
type : defines the output type
ver : defines version of SCT
char : defines the character set
bic : Business Identifier Code of the Beneficiary Bank
iban : International Bank Account Number of the Beneficiary (mandatory)
bname : Name of the Beneficiary (mandatory)
euro : Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro (mandatory)
pp : Purpose of the Credit Transfer
ref : Reference of the Creditor (must be ISO 11649)
acc : Bare Reference of the Creditor
bba : Belgian Banks coded Reference of the Creditor
info : Remittance Information (free text)
Most used way to add information to the payment.
Also for all (structured) References in Europe this field works fine as well.
This option is mutually exclusive with the acc, bba and ref options.
For example: &info=Donation
orig : Beneficiary to originator information
key : Registration key for unlimited generations per day
cut : Cut away text around the QR code
logo : Change the small logo in the QR code
pixel : Number of pixels per block/bit
for : Use named shortcut
sep : Force displayed decimal seperator in the amount
colour : Use different text colour
zero : Zero (impossible) amount behaviour
minus : Negative (impossible) amount behaviour
cache : Commercial usage cache behaviour
help : Gives this page
Spaces are allowed in all parameter values.

NEW: If you have problems with your own program to use the API, you can get debug information using[parameters]

General word of advice: keep the information as less as possible; the shorter the text, the better the QR-code is read by the user.
Like the BIC: not necessary with version 2 and within the SEPA area, but if filled in, it increases the number of block/bits for nothing.

Create examples yourself with the interactive form

MS Word VBA picture update example

Last change : 2024 July 11